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Word: Conundrum Pronunciation: /kəˈnʌndrəm/ Definition: 1. A confusing and difficult problem or question that is hard to solve or understand. 2. A riddle or puzzle, especially one that uses a play on words. Usage: Conundrum can be used as a noun to refer to a difficult problem or question that is hard to solve or understand. It can also be used as a riddle or puzzle that requires clever thinking and wordplay to solve. Example sentences: 1. The conundrum of how to reduce carbon emissions while still maintaining economic growth has been a major challenge for policymakers. (如何在保持经济增长的同时减少碳排放的难题一直是决策者面临的重大挑战。) 2. The conundrum left the students scratching their heads, unable to come up with an answer. (这个谜语让学生们不知所措,无法想出答案。) 3. I always enjoy solving crossword puzzles because they are full of conundrums that require clever thinking. (我总是喜欢解决填字游戏,因为它们充满了需要巧思的谜语。) 4. "What has keys but can't open locks? A piano!" That's one of my favorite conundrums. (“有钥匙却无法打开锁的东西是什么?钢琴!”这是我最喜欢的谜语之一。) 5. The conundrum of whether the chicken or the egg came first has puzzled philosophers for centuries. (鸡和蛋哪个先来的谜团已经困扰哲学家们数百年了。) Synonyms and usage: 1. Puzzle - a problem or question that is difficult to solve or understand, often requiring logical thinking. 2. Enigma - a mysterious or puzzling situation or person that is hard to understand. 3. Paradox - a statement or situation that seems contradictory but may actually be true. 4. Dilemma - a difficult choice between two options, often with undesirable outcomes. 5. Quandary - a state of uncertainty or confusion about what to do in a difficult situation. Editor's summary: Conundrum is a word that refers to a confusing and difficult problem or question, as well as a riddle or puzzle that requires clever thinking and wordplay to solve. It can be used in various contexts to describe challenging situations and can be replaced by synonyms such as puzzle, enigma, paradox, dilemma, and quandary.



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