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英文释义:Zero Confirmed Cases in Only Two Countries Worldwide 读音:[zɪərəʊ kənˈfɜːmd ˈkeɪsɪz ɪn ˈəʊnli tuː ˈkʌntriz ˈwɜːldwaɪd] 用法:用于描述在全球范围内仅有两个没有出现任何确诊病例的情况。 例句1:As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, there are now only two countries left with zero confirmed cases worldwide. 随着的持续蔓延,现在全球仅剩两个零确诊。 例句2:New Zealand and Fiji are currently the only two countries with zero confirmed cases globally. 目前,新西兰和斐济是全球仅有的两个零确诊。 例句3:Thanks to their strict measures and efficient response, these two countries have managed to maintain a record of zero confirmed cases. 多亏了它们严格的措施和高效的应对,这两个成功地保持了零确诊的纪录。 例句4:With the rest of the world struggling to contain the virus, these two countries serve as a beacon of hope for a COVID-free future. 在其他努力病毒的同时,这两个成为了一个没有的未来的希望之光。 例句5:Despite being surrounded by countries with high numbers of confirmed cases, these two nations have managed to remain COVID-free. 尽管周围的确诊病例数量很高,但这两个仍然保持了没有的状态。 同义词及用法:零确诊也可以用zero confirmed cases或者no confirmed cases来表达。另外,也可以使用COVID-free或者pandemic-free来描述这种情况。 编辑总结:全球仅2国零确诊是指在全球范围内仅有两个没有出现任何确诊病例的情况。这一现象主要归功于这两个采取的严格措施和高效应对。在其他努力抗击的同时,这两个成为了一个没有的希望之光。



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