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Meaning: Willful or capricious behavior, often characterized by a disregard for rules or authority. Pronunciation: [ren-sing] Usage: This phrase is used to describe someone who acts in an impulsive and rebellious manner, often without regard for consequences. It can also refer to someone who is stubborn and refuses to follow rules or conform to expectations. Example Sentences: 1. She was known for her wild and willful behavior, always doing whatever she wanted without any thought of the consequences. (她以她狂野而任性的行为而闻名,总是不顾后果地做自己想做的事情。) 2. The child was becoming increasingly difficult to handle, with his constant tantrums and willful disobedience. (这个孩子越来越难以处理,经常发脾气并且任性地不听话。) 3. Despite the warnings from her parents, she continued to live a willful and reckless lifestyle. (尽管父母告过她,但她仍然过着任性和鲁莽的生活方式。) 4. His willful disregard for authority often got him into trouble at school. (他对权威的任性无视经常让他在学校惹上麻烦。) 5. The company's CEO was known for his willful decisions that often went against the advice of his team members. (公司的首席执行官以他任性的决定而闻名,这些决定经常违背团队成员的建议。) Synonyms: 1. Headstrong - determined to do what one wants, even if it is not sensible or reasonable. 2. Stubborn - refusing to change one's mind or course of action despite persuasion or pressure. 3. Rebellious - defying authority or convention. 4. Impulsive - acting without thinking first. 5. Wayward - difficult to control or predict because of unusual or perverse behavior. Editor's Summary: "任性的英文翻译" is a phrase used to describe someone who behaves in a willful and rebellious manner, often disregarding rules and authority. It can also refer to someone who is stubborn and refuses to conform to expectations. Synonyms for this phrase include "headstrong," "stubborn," "rebellious," "impulsive," and "wayward."



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