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意思:不求甚解是指对某件事情或知识只有表面的、肤浅的理解,没有深入探究或真正理解其内涵和本质。 怎么读:bù qiú shén jiě 用法:作为动词短语,常用于否定句中,表示不去深究或了解某件事情。也可作为形容词短语,修饰某人的态度、知识水平等。 例句1:他对这个问题只是一知半解,根本不求甚解。 He only has a superficial understanding of this issue, without truly seeking to understand it. 例句2:她虽然没有专业知识,但并不因此而感到羞耻,她从来都不求甚解。 She may not have professional knowledge, but she is not ashamed of it and never seeks to understand more deeply. 例句3:我觉得我们应该更加努力学习,而不是只满足于表面的、不求甚解的知识。 I think we should work harder to learn, instead of being satisfied with superficial and shallow knowledge. 例句4:他总是只看就下结论,根本没有仔细阅读文章内容,典型的不求甚解。 He always jumps to conclusions based on the title without actually reading the content, typical of not seeking to understand. 例句5:有些人宁愿保持不求甚解的态度,也不愿意接受新的知识和观点。 Some people would rather maintain a superficial understanding than accept new knowledge and perspectives. 同义词及用法:肤浅、浅薄、略知一二、一知半解、浅尝辄止。 编辑总结:不求甚解是指对某事物缺乏深入理解和探究,只有表面的认识。这种态度可能导致对事物的误解和偏见,因此应该勇于学习和探究,而不是满足于肤浅的知识。



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