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[ˈwərkˌaʊt] noun 1.健身运动(名词) 2.健身训练(名词) 3.锻炼(动词) 4.锻炼方法(名词) 5.锻炼计划(名词) 1. A workout is a physical activity or exercise that is done in order to improve or maintain one's physical fitness. 健身是为了提高或保持身体健康而进行的体育活动或运动。 2. She goes to the gym every morning for a workout. 她每天早上都去健身房锻炼。 3. I try to fit in a quick workout during my lunch break. 我试图在午休时段进行快速的健身训练。 4. Running, swimming, and weightlifting are all popular workouts. 跑步、游泳和举重都是很受欢迎的健身方法。 5. He follows a strict workout routine to stay in shape. 他遵循严格的健身计划来保持身材。 Synonyms: exercise, training, fitness regimen, physical activity 同义词:运动,训练,健身计划,体育活动 Editor's Summary: As an editor and translator for the online dictionary, I have defined and explained the meaning of the word "workout" which refers to physical activities or exercises done for the purpose of improving or maintaining one's physical fitness. The word can be used as both a noun and a verb and has various synonyms such as exercise, training, and fitness regimen. It is important to note that a workout can take many different forms and can be tailored to an individual's specific needs and goals. Regular workouts are essential for a healthy lifestyle and should be incorporated into one's daily routine.



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