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with the help of

[wɪð ðə help ɒv] 1. 意思:with the help of是一个短语,表示“在...的帮助下,借助于...”,指通过某种手段或者某人的帮助来完成某件事情。 2. 怎么读:该短语的读音为[wɪð ðə help ɒv],其中"w"发音为清辅音,"ɪ"发音为短元音,"ðə"发音为清辅音,"h"发音为清辅音,"e"发音为长元音,"l"发音为清辅音,"p"发音为清辅音,而最后的“of”则发[ɒv]。 3. 用法:with the help of通常用于句首或句中作状语,用来说明实现某件事情所需要的帮助或手段。也可以用于被动语态中。 4. 例句: (1) With the help of my friends, I finally passed the exam. (在我的朋友的帮助下,我终于通过了考试。) (2) With the help of modern technology, we can easily communicate with people from different countries. (借助现代技术,我们可以轻松地与来自不同的人交流。) (3) The project was completed with the help of government funding. (这个项目是在资助下完成的。) (4) With the help of a map, we found our way to the hotel. (借助一张地图,我们找到了去酒店的路。) (5) The problem was solved with the help of a professional consultant. (在一位专业顾问的帮助下,问题得到了解决。) 5. 同义词及用法:with the assistance of、with the aid of、with the support of都可以替换with the help of,表示“在...的帮助下”,但语气略有不同。: (1) With the assistance of my colleagues, I finished the project on time. (在我的同事的协助下,我按时完成了这个项目。) (2) The company was able to expand its business with the aid of new technology. (借助新技术,公司得以扩大业务。) (3) With the support of my family, I was able to pursue my dream career. (在家人的支持下,我得以追求自己梦想的职业。) 6. 编辑总结:with the help of是一个常用的短语,在日常生活和工作中都可以使用。它强调通过某种手段或者某人的帮助来实现某件事情,表达出一种感谢和依赖的态度。同时,也可以与其他短语互换使用,增加句子的表达力和多样性。

with the help of


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