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walking along

[ˈwɔːkɪŋ əˈlɔːŋ] 意思:漫步,沿着走 用法:walking along是一个动词短语,表示沿着某个路线或方向慢慢地走。它也可以用作名词,表示一种轻松的步行活动。 例句1:She enjoys walking along the beach in the morning. 她喜欢早上沿着海滩散步。 例句2:We were walking along the river, enjoying the beautiful scenery. 我们沿着河边走着,欣赏美丽的风景。 例句3:The old man can often be seen walking along the streets with his dog. 这位老人经常可以看到带着他的狗沿街散步。 例句4:They spent their vacation walking along the Great Wall of China. 他们度假时沿着长城散步。 例句5:I love walking along this path, it's so peaceful and quiet. 我喜欢沿着这条小路散步,这里非常宁静和安静。 同义词及用法: 1. stroll (v.) 漫步,闲逛 例句:We strolled along the river, enjoying the warm sunshine. 我们漫步在河边,享受温暖的阳光。 2. amble (v.) 缓行,漫步 例句:We ambled through the park, admiring the beautiful flowers. 我们缓缓地穿过公园,欣赏着美丽的花朵。 3. saunter (v.) 漫步,闲逛 例句:They sauntered along the streets, looking at the shops. 他们闲逛在街上,看着商店。 4. hike (v.) 徒步旅行,远足 例句:We hiked along the mountain trail, enjoying the fresh air. 我们沿着山间小径徒步旅行,享受新鲜空气。 5. trek (v.) 艰苦跋涉,长途跋涉 例句:They trekked for hours along the rugged terrain. 他们艰苦跋涉数小时沿着崎岖的地形。 编辑总结: walking along是一个常用的动词短语,在日常生活中经常用来描述慢慢地沿着某个路线或方向走。它可以用来表示休闲的散步活动,也可以形容长途跋涉。在写作中,可以通过替换同义词来丰富表达方式,让文章更加生动有趣。

walking along


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