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【释义】 vamps为什么停止活动指的是英文单词“vamps”停止进行某项活动的原因。该词通常用于描述某个团体、组织或个人暂停或结束某项活动的原因。 【读音】 vamps [væmps] 【用法】 作为一个名词,vamps可以表示“鞋面(尤指女式高跟鞋)”;作为一个动词,它可以表示“勾引”、“吸引”、“吸血”。 【例句】 1. The band announced that they will be taking a break from their music career, but fans are still wondering why vamps sped their activities. (乐队宣布他们将暂时休息,但粉丝们仍然想知道为什么vamps停止了他们的活动。) 2. After years of touring and recording, the members of vamps decided to take a hiatus and focus on their individual projects. (经过多年的巡演和录制,vamps的成员决定暂时休息,专注于个人项目。) 3. The sudden announcement of vamps' disbandment shocked their loyal fans, who were eagerly waiting for their next album release. (vamps突然宣布解散,让忠实的粉丝们感到震惊,他们正迫不及待地等待着乐队下一张专辑的发行。) 4. Many speculations have been made about the reason behind vamps' decision to s their activities, but the band has yet to give an official statement. (关于vamps决定停止活动的原因,已经有很多猜测,但乐队还没有发布声明。) 5. Despite vamps' hiatus, their music continues to inspire and influence new generations of musicians, proving that their legacy will live on. (尽管vamps暂时休息,但他们的音乐仍然能够激励和影响新一代的音乐人,证明他们的传奇将会延续下去。) 【同义词及用法】 1. Discontinue: 停止、中断。:The company decided to discontinue the production of this product due to low demand. (由于需求量低,公司决定停止生产这款产品。) 2. Cease: 停止、终止。:The government has ordered all construction work in this area to cease immediately due to safety concerns. (由于安全问题,已下令立即停止该地区所有建设工作。) 3. Suspend: 暂停、中止。:The company announced that they will suspend all operations until further notice. (公司宣布将暂停所有业务直至另行通知。) 【编辑总结】 vamps为什么停止活动是一个常见的词汇组合,在英文中经常用来描述某个团体或个人暂时或永久结束某项活动的原因。它既可以作为一个名词,表示“鞋面”,也可以作为一个动词,表示“勾引”、“吸引”或“吸血”。同义词包括discontinue、cease和suspend,它们都有相似的含义,但在使用时稍有差别。总的来说,vamps为什么停止活动是一个容易理解和使用的词汇组合,能够准确地表达出某个团体或个人结束活动的原因。



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