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一:vaccine是什么意思的意思 vaccine是指一种治疗或预防疾病的物质,通常由微生物或其部分制成,用于激活人体免疫产生抗体来对抗特定病原体。 二:怎么读(音标) 英 ['væksiːn] 美 ['væksiːn] 三:用法 作为名词,vaccine可以表示“疫苗”,也可以表示“接种过程”。作为动词,vaccinate则表示“接种疫苗”。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The vaccine for COVID-19 has been developed and is now being distributed worldwide. 肺炎的疫苗已经被开发出来,并且正在全球范围内分发。 2. It is recommended that children receive the MMR vaccine to protect against measles, mumps, and rubella. 建议儿童接种麻腮风联合疫苗以预防麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹。 3. The flu vaccine is available every year to help prevent the spread of influenza. 每年都有流感疫苗可用于帮助防止流感传播。 4. Some people may experience mild side effects after receiving a vaccine, such as soreness at the injection site or a low-grade fever. 有些人在接种疫苗后可能会出现轻微的副作用,比如注射部位疼痛或低烧。 5. The government is working to increase access to vaccines for underprivileged communities. 正在努力增加贫困社区接种疫苗的机会。 五:同义词及用法 1. Immunization (noun): the process of making a person or animal immune to a particular disease, especially by giving them a vaccine. 例句:The immunization program has been successful in eradicating polio in many countries. 2. Inoculation (noun): the process of giving someone a weak form of a disease in order to prevent them from getting it in a more serious form. 例句:The inoculation against smallpox was first introduced in the 18th century. 3. Shot (noun): an injection of a small amount of medicine, especially into the body, using a needle and syringe. 例句:I need to get my flu shot before flu season starts. 4. Jab (verb): to push or poke something sharp or hard quickly into someone or something. 例句:The nurse jabbed the needle into my arm for the vaccine. 六:编辑总结 vaccine是一种重要的医学科技成果,可以有效预防和多种传染病。随着科技的发展,不断有新的疫苗被开发出来,为人类健康保驾护航。然而,我们也需要认识到,接种疫苗并不意味着完全免疫,仍需注意个人卫生和防护措施。同时,也应该加强对疫苗的科学理解,避免盲目相信谣言和误解。希望未来能有更多的安全有效的疫苗问世,为人类健康作出更大贡献。



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