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英 [ʌnˈsetl] 美 [ʌnˈsɛtl] vt. 使不安,扰乱;使窘迫;使不稳定 vi. 不安,焦虑;犹豫 用法:unsettle是一个及物动词,意思是使不安,扰乱。它可以用来描述人或事物的状态,也可以用来形容某种情况对人们的影响。 例句1:The sudden news of his friend's death unsettled him. 他突然得知朋友去世的消息,感到很不安。 例句2:The ongoing conflict has unsettled the entire region. 持续不断的已经让整个地区陷入了不稳定状态。 例句3:She was unsettled by the strange noises she heard in the old house. 她被在那所老房子里听到的奇怪声音弄得心神不宁。 例句4:The financial crisis has unsettled many businesses and families. 金融危机已经让很多企业和家庭陷入了困境。 例句5:His constant hesitation unsettles his colleagues and makes them doubt his decision-making abilities. 他经常犹豫不决,让同事们感到不安,并且怀疑他的决策能力。 同义词及用法: 1. disturb (vt.) 打扰,干扰 He was disturbed by the loud noise coming from his neighbor's party. 他被邻居开派对时的噪音打扰了。 2. agitate (vt.) 激怒,使不安 The politician's speech agitated the crowd and caused chaos. 政客的讲话激怒了人群,导致了混乱。 3. perturb (vt.) 使不安,使焦虑 The unexpected delay in their flight perturbed the passengers. 航班延误让乘客们感到不安。 编辑总结: unsettle是一个常用的动词,它可以用来描述人或事物的状态,也可以用来形容某种情况对人们的影响。它的同义词有disturb、agitate和perturb等,但它们在具体用法上还是有一些差别。使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的词语。



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