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to let the cat out of the bag

意思:泄露秘密或暴露 读音:[təˈlet ðə ˈkæt aʊt ʌv ðə bæɡ] 用法:表示不小心或故意地泄露秘密或暴露,通常指某人不经意间说出了不应该说的话,使事情变得公开或暴露。 例句1:I can't believe you let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party! Now it's ruined. 我简直不敢相信你把惊喜派对的秘密泄露出去了!现在都毁了。 例句2:I accidentally let the cat out of the bag when I mentioned her new job to her boss. 当我向她的老板提到她的新工作时,我无意中泄露了秘密。 例句3:We were trying to keep our vacation plans a secret, but someone let the cat out of the bag on social media. 我们本来想把我们的度假计划保密,但是有人在社交媒体上把秘密泄露出去了。 例句4:He promised not to let the cat out of the bag, but he couldn't resist bragging about his new car. 他答应不会泄露秘密,但是他忍不住要炫耀他的新车。 例句5:She was afraid that if she told her parents, they would let the cat out of the bag and her surprise birthday party would be ruined. 她担心如果告诉父母,他们会泄露秘密,她的惊喜生日派对就会被毁掉。 同义词及用法:reveal a secret, spill the beans, give away a secret, let slip, blurt out 编辑总结:to let the cat out of the bag是一个常用的习语,用来形容不小心或故意泄露秘密或暴露。它可以用于各种场合,如在社交媒体上、与朋友交谈时或在工作中。使用时要注意避免让别人知道你的秘密,否则就会导致事情变得公开或暴露。同时,也要注意保守他人的秘密,不要让自己成为“let the cat out of the bag”的人。

to let the cat out of the bag


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