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thon maker

[θɑn ˈmeɪkər] noun Thon Maker is an Australian-South Sudanese professional basketball player who currently plays for the Detroit Pistons in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was born on February 25, 1997 in Wau, South Sudan. 用法: Thon Maker是一名澳大利亚-南苏丹籍的职业篮球运动员,目前效力于美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的底特律活塞队。他出生于1997年2月25日,出生地为南苏丹瓦乌。 例句: 1. Thon Maker has been making a name for himself in the NBA with his impressive performances. Thon Maker在NBA赛场上凭借出色的表现打响了自己的名号。 2. The Detroit Pistons signed Thon Maker to a multi-year contract extension. 底特律活塞队与Thon Maker签署了一份多年合同延长协议。 3. Thon Maker's height and athleticism make him a valuable asset for any team. Thon Maker的身高和运动能力使他成为任何球队都非常宝贵的资产。 4. Thon Maker has been working hard to improve his shooting skills and it's paying off on the court. Thon Maker一直在努力提高自己的投篮技巧,在球场上收到了成效。 5. The fans are excited to see what Thon Maker will bring to the team this season. 球迷们都很期待看到Thon Maker本赛季为球队带来什么。 同义词及用法: 1. Basketball player (noun): a person who plays the game of basketball professionally or recreationally. 例句:LeBron James is one of the best basketball players in the world. 勒布朗·詹姆斯是世界上最优秀的篮球运动员之一。 2. Athlete (noun): a person who is proficient in sports and other physical activities. 例句:Serena Williams is not only a great tennis player, but also a talented athlete. 小威廉姆斯不仅是一位出色的网球运动员,也是一名才华横溢的运动员。 3. Prospect (noun): a young player with potential to become successful in their sport. 例句:The team is excited about their new prospect, who has been dominating in college basketball. 这支球队对他们的新秀充满期待,他在大学篮球赛场上表现出色。 编辑总结: Thon Maker是一位年轻有潜力的篮球运动员,他拥有出色的身高和运动能力,在NBA赛场上已经展现出了自己的实力。随着他不断努力提升自己的技术,相信他会成为一个更加出色的篮球明星。

thon maker


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