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1. n. 老师的课桌 怎么读 /ˈtiːtʃərzˌdɛsk/ 用法 teachersdesk是一个名词,指老师在教室里使用的桌子。通常放置在教室前方,供老师放置教学用具和批改作业。 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The teacher stood behind her teachersdesk, preparing to give a lecture on literature. 老师站在她的课桌后面,准备给学生们讲授文学课程。 2. The students were afraid to approach the teachersdesk, as they had not completed their homework. 学生们害怕走近老师的课桌,因为他们还没有完成作业。 3. The teachersdesk was cluttered with papers and books, making it difficult for the teacher to find her lesson plan. 老师的课桌上堆满了纸张和书籍,让她很难找到自己的教案。 4. The teacher sat at her teachersdesk, grading the students' quizzes. 老师坐在她的课桌前,给学生们的测验打分。 5. The students noticed a picture frame on the teachersdesk with a photo of the teacher's family. 学生们注意到老师的课桌上有一个相框,里面放着老师家人的照片。 同义词及用法 teacher's desk, instructor's desk, educator's desk 这些同义词都指老师在教室里使用的桌子,用法和teachersdesk相同。 编辑总结 teachersdesk是一个常见的名词,用来指老师在教室里使用的桌子。它的用法简单明了,可以通过例句更加深入地理解其含义。同时,还有一些同义词可以替换使用。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地表达每个单词的意思,并且提供多种例句和同义词来帮助读者更好地理解和记忆单词。



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