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['ˈstrʌktʃəd'] adj. 有结构的;有组织的;按照某种结构的;有条理的 Structured is an adjective that describes something that has a definite arrangement or organization, or that is arranged in a particular way. 1. The structured format of the book makes it easy to find the information you need. 这本书的结构化格式使得你可以很容易地找到你需要的信息。 2. The company has a highly structured approach to training its employees. 该公司对其员工的培训采取高度有组织的方法。 3. A structured settlement is a legal settlement in which the payment is made in regular installments over time, rather than as one lump sum. 结构化和解是一种法律和解,其中支付是分期定期进行的,而不是一次性付款。 4. The structured nature of the course allows students to progress at their own pace. 课程的有组织性使得学生可以按照自己的步调前进。 5. The team used a structured approach to problem-solving, breaking down the issue into smaller parts and addressing each one systematically. 团队采用了有组织的方法来解决问题,将问题分解为较小的部分,并地处理每个部分。 Synonyms: organized, systematic, ordered, methodical Structured can also be used to describe something that has been carefully planned or designed with a clear purpose in mind. Editor's summary: Structured is an adjective that describes something as having a definite arrangement or organization. It can also refer to something that has been carefully planned or designed with a clear purpose in mind. It is often used to describe systems, processes, and approaches that are well-organized and efficient.



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