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/strtek/ noun meaning: Strtech is a term that combines the words "strategy" and "technology". It refers to the use of technology to develop and implement strategies in various industries. Pronunciation: /strtek/ Usage: Strtech is commonly used in business and management contexts, especially in discussions about digital transformation and innovation. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating technology into strategic planning and decision-making processes. Example sentences: 1. The company's success can be attributed to its strong strtech approach, which has enabled it to stay ahead of its compes. 这家公司的成功归功于其强大的strtech方法,使其能够在竞争对手之前保持领先地位。 2. The CEO emphasized the need for strtech in order to adapt to the rapidly changing market landscape. 首席执行官强调了需要采用strtech来适应迅速变化的市场格局。 3. Our team is currently working on a strtech solution that will revolutionize our industry. 我们的团队目前正在开发一种strtech解决方案,将彻底改变我们的行业。 4. Strtech has become a buzzword in the tech world, with many companies striving to incorporate it into their operations. Strtech已经成为科技界的流行词,许多公司都在努力将其纳入运营中。 5. The conference will focus on the intersection of strtech and business strategy, with experts sharing their insights on how technology can drive growth. 这次将关注strtech和商业策略的交叉点,专家们将分享他们关于如何利用技术推动增长的见解。 Synonyms and usage: 1. Tech strategy - similar to strtech, this term also refers to the use of technology in strategic planning and decision-making. 2. Digital strategy - focuses specifically on the use of digital technology in business strategies. 3. Technological innovation - highlights the role of technology in driving innovation and change. 4. IT strategy - refers to the use of information technology in achieving business objectives. 5. Digital transformation - emphasizes the need for businesses to adapt and transform digitally in order to stay competitive. Editor's summary: Strtech is a term that combines strategy and technology, highlighting the importance of incorporating technology into strategic planning and decision-making processes. It is commonly used in discussions about digital transformation and innovation, and has become a buzzword in the tech world. Other similar terms include tech strategy, digital strategy, technological innovation, IT strategy, and digital transformation.



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