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['ˈsteɪtzmənʃɪp'] I. statesmanship [noun] (uncountable) /ˈsteɪtzmənʃɪp/ 1. the ability to lead a country or organization skillfully and wisely 或组织领导的能力,英明的治理能力 2. the quality of being a statesman, especially of having great wisdom and skill in conducting public affairs and dealing with public issues 家的品质,特别是在处理公共事务和应对公共问题方面具有极大的智慧和技巧 3. the art or skill of leading and guiding a nation or organization with wisdom and foresight 以智慧和远见来领导和指导一个或组织的艺术或技巧 II. Example Sentences: 1. China's President Xi Jinping is praised for his statesmanship in handling domestic and international affairs. 在处理国内外事务方面被称赞为具有家风范。 2. The success of any government depends on its leaders' statesmanship, not just their political ideologies. 任何的成功都取决于其的智慧,而不仅仅是他们的意识形态。 3. A true statesman is not only concerned with short-term gains, but also has a long-term vision for the betterment of his country. 一位真正的家不仅关心短期利益,还具有为长远发展着想的远见。 4. The statesmanship of Nelson Mandela is widely recognized and admired for his role in bringing an end to apartheid in South Africa. 纳尔逊·曼德拉的家风范因其在结束南非种族隔离制度方面的作用而广受认可和赞赏。 5. The current political climate calls for strong statesmanship, as the nation faces numerous challenges both domestically and internationally. 当前的环境需要强大的智慧,因为面临着国内外众多挑战。 III. Synonyms: 1. diplomacy - the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way 2. leadership - the ability to guide, direct, or influence people 3. sagacity - having or showing good judgment and wisdom 4. prudence - the quality of being careful and sensible in making decisions 5. foresight - the ability to predict or plan for the future IV. Editor's Summary: Statesmanship refers to the skillful and wise leadership of a country or organization, with a focus on long-term vision and the ability to handle public affairs effectively. It is often associated with qualities such as wisdom, foresight, and diplomacy. A true statesman is not only concerned with short-term gains but also has a deep understanding of their impact on society as a whole. In today's complex political landscape, statesmanship is crucial for navigating through challenges and achieving success on a national or international level.



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