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/ˈstænzəɪk/ I. stanzaic adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] A stanzaic poem is made up of stanzas. 词性:形容词,通常用于形容名词,指由分节构成的诗歌。 II. pronunciation 英 /ˈstænzəɪk/ 美 /ˈstænzəɪk/ III. definition stanzaic (adjective) - (of a poem) consisting of stanzas; divided into stanzas IV. examples 1. The poem was written in a stanzaic form, with each stanza containing four lines. 这首诗是按照分节形式写成的,每一节都包含四行。 2. The poet used a stanzaic structure to convey the different emotions of the speaker. 诗人采用分节结构来传达讲话者的不同情绪。 3. The use of a stanzaic form allows for a more organized and structured expression of ideas. 使用分节形式可以更有条理地表达想法。 4. In this stanzaic poem, each stanza represents a different stage in the protagonist's journey. 在这首分节诗中,每一节主人公旅程中的不同阶段。 5. The poet chose to break up the poem into stanzas to create a pause and emphasize certain lines. 诗人选择将诗歌分成几节来创造停顿并强调特定的句子。 V. synonyms 1. strophic - (of a song or poem) consisting of several verses all sung to the same melody and typically having a refrain. 词性:形容词,指由多个诗句构成,都用同一旋律演唱的歌曲或诗歌。 2. divided - (of a text) separated into sections or parts. 词性:形容词,指文本分成不同的部分。 3. sectional - (of a book or other publication) divided into sections, especially chapters. 词性:形容词,指书籍或其他出版物分成不同的部分,尤其是章节。 4. segmented - divided or partitioned into smaller units or segments. 词性:形容词,指被分割成更小单元或片段。 5. compartmentalized - divided into separate sections or categories. 词性:形容词,指被划分为不同的部分或类别。 VI. editor's summary stanzaic is an adjective used to describe a poem that is made up of stanzas, which are divisions within the poem that create a visual and structural break. This term is often used to describe the form and structure of a poem and can be seen as a way to organize and convey ideas in a more structured manner. Other synonyms for stanzaic include strophic, divided, sectional, segmented, and compartmentalized. As an editor, it is important to understand the different forms of poetry and how they contribute to the overall meaning and impact of a piece of writing.



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