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['skweəd] n. 平方;二次方;平方数 adj. 平方的;二次的 v. 使成平方,把…自乘一次(square的过去式及过去分词) 1. 我们都知道,squared这个单词是一个数学术语,它是square的过去式和过去分词,意为“使成平方,把…自乘一次”。 We all know that squared is a mathematical term, which is the past tense and past participle of square, meaning "to make into a square, to multiply by itself once". 2. 在数学中,squared通常用来表示一个数的平方,也可以用来修饰其他单位或量。 In mathematics, squared is often used to represent the square of a number, but it can also be used to modify other units or quantities. 3. ,在计算面积时,我们常常会用到squared这个术语。比如说一个正方形的边长为3厘米,那么它的面积就是3 squared厘米。 For example, when calculating area, we often use the term squared. For instance, if the side length of a square is 3 centimeters, then its area is 3 squared centimeters. 4. 同义词:multiplied by itself once、raised to the power of two、to the second power Synonyms: multiplied by itself once, raised to the power of two, to the second power. 5. 总结:squared是一个常用的数学术语,表示“平方”或“二次方”,可以用来表示一个数的平方,也可以用来修饰其他单位或量。它的同义词有multiplied by itself once、raised to the power of two、to the second power。 Summary: Squared is a commonly used mathematical term, meaning "square" or "to the second power". It can be used to represent the square of a number, or to modify other units or quantities. Its synonyms include multiplied by itself once, raised to the power of two, and to the second power.



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