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solar system scope

[ˈsəʊlə ˈsɪstəm skəʊp] noun. 1.太阳系范围 The solar system scope refers to the range or extent of the solar system, including all the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies that orbit around the sun. 用法:Solar system scope可以用作一个名词短语,也可以简称为"scope"来指代太阳系的范围。 例句: 1. The solar system scope is vast and contains many fascinating objects. 太阳系的范围广阔,包含许多令人着迷的物体。 2. The solar system scope extends beyond just the eight planets we are familiar with. 太阳系的范围不仅限于我们熟悉的八大行星。 3. The Solar System Scope website provides a virtual tour of our solar system. Solar System Scope网站提供了一个虚拟之旅,让我们了解太阳系。 4. The telescope allows us to see objects within the solar system scope more clearly. 望远镜让我们能更清晰地看到太阳系范围内的物体。 5. Studying the solar system scope can help us understand our place in the universe. 研究太阳系范围可以帮助我们理解自己在宇宙中的位置。 同义词及用法: 1. Solar System Range: This is another way to refer to the extent of our solar system. 2. Celestial Scope: This term can be used to describe the range of all celestial bodies, including those within our solar system. 3. Planetary Scope: This refers specifically to the range of planets within the solar system. 4. Orbital Scope: This term can be used to describe the range of objects that orbit around a particular celestial body, such as the sun. 5. Cosmic Scope: This term can be used to describe the vastness and extent of the entire universe. 编辑总结: Solar system scope是一个用来描述太阳系范围的词汇,它可以指代太阳系内所有的行星、卫星、小行星、彗星等天体。这个词汇可以用作名词短语,也可以简称为"scope"来指代。在学术领域和科普文章中都会经常出现这个词汇,因此我们需要对它有一个清晰的理解。同时,我们也可以使用一些同义词来增强文笔的多样性,但要注意确保用词准确。最后,通过学习太阳系范围,我们可以更好地了解自己在宇宙中的位置,并且对宇宙有更深入的认识。

solar system scope


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