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/ sɔːz / noun 1. A device for measuring the height of an aircraft above the ground. 一个用于测量飞机离地高度的装置。 2. A sharp increase in the amount, level or value of something. 某物数量、水平或价值的急剧增加。 3. To rise very quickly to a high level. 迅速上升到高水平。 4. The price of oil soars as demand increases. 随着需求增加,石油价格飙升。 5. The eagle soars high in the sky, searching for its prey. 老鹰在天空中翱翔,寻找猎物。 6. Synonyms: rise, escalate, surge, skyrocket 同义词:上升,升级,激增,暴涨 7. The stock market saw a soar in prices after the announcement of a new product. 新产品发布后,股市价格飙升。 8. Editor's Summary: Soars is a verb that can mean to rise quickly or sharply to a high level, or it can refer to a device used for measuring height. It is commonly used in the context of prices or levels increasing rapidly, and can also be used figuratively to describe something rising or reaching new heights. Synonyms include rise, escalate, surge, and skyrocket.



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