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1.意思:n.奴隶;劳工;奴仆;从属物 2.怎么读(音标):[sleɪv] 3.用法: (1)作名词,指受制于主人或者他人的人,也可以指受制于某种事物的人。 (2)作动词,表示被迫服从或者被。 4.例句: (1)The slaves worked in the fields all day long under the hot sun. 奴隶们整天在炎热的太阳下在田地里工作。 (2)She was a slave to fashion and always had to have the latest trends. 她是时尚的奴隶,总是追求最新潮流。 (3)He was a slave to his job and never had time for his family. 他是工作的奴隶,从来没有时间陪伴家人。 (4)The country was once ruled by slave owners who treated their slaves cruelly. 这个曾经由奴隶主,他们对待奴隶非常残忍。 (5)I refuse to be a slave to technology, I will not be controlled by my phone. 我拒绝成为科技的奴隶,我不会被手机。 5.同义词及用法: (1)servant:n.仆人;公仆 :The servants in the palace were treated well by the king. 宫廷里的仆人受到国王的优待。 (2)bondman:n.奴隶;农奴 :The bondman worked tirelessly on the farm for his master. 农奴为主人在农场上辛勤劳作。 (3)thrall:n.奴隶;俘虏 :The king's enemies were taken as thralls and forced to work in the mines. 国王的敌人被俘虏后被迫在矿山里工作。 (4)peon:n.苦力;佃户 :The peons worked long hours in the fields for little pay. 佃户们在田地里工作很长时间,但报酬很少。 (5)captive:n.俘虏;被者 :The captives were treated cruelly by their captors. 俘虏们受到了掳掠者的残忍对待。 6.编辑总结: 在现代社会,奴隶制度已经被废除,但是“slave”这个词仍然存在并且有着强大的象征意义。它可以指代受制于他人或事物的人,也可以指代那些被迫服从或者被的人。除了字面意义外,它还可以用来比喻某种强烈的依赖关系。因此,在使用“slave”这个词时需要注意语境,并且避免使用带有歧视性的表达。同时,我们也应该珍惜自由和平等的社会,不要让自己成为任何人或事物的奴隶。



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