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一:severing翻译的意思 severing是一个动词,意为“切断、断绝、分离”。它可以指物理上的切断或分离,也可以指情感或关系上的断绝。 二:怎么读(音标) severing的读音为/sɛvərɪŋ/。 三:用法 1. 物理上的切断或分离: - The surgeon is severing the patient's leg in order to save his life. (外科医生正在切除病人的腿以挽救他的生命。) - The earthquake caused the severing of power lines, leaving the city in darkness. (地震导致电线被切断,城市陷入黑暗。) 2. 情感或关系上的断绝: - The couple decided to divorce, severing their marriage after 10 years. (这对夫妻决定离婚,在十年后结束了他们的婚姻。) - The company is severing ties with its long-time business partner due to financial disagreements. (因为财务上的分歧,公司决定与长期业务伙伴断绝关系。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The company announced that it will be severing its relationship with the controversial celebrity spokesperson. 公司宣布将与备受争议的名人代言人解除合作关系。 2. After years of conflict, the two countries finally signed a peace agreement, severing their long-standing animosity. 经过多年的,两国终于签署了和平协议,结束了长期的敌意。 3. The young man decided to sever all ties with his toxic family and start a new life on his own. 这个年轻人决定与他有毒的家庭彻底断绝关系,开始自己的新生活。 4. The hurricane caused severe damage to the city, severing communication lines and leaving residents stranded. 飓风造成了城市严重的损失,切断了通信线路,使居民陷入困境。 5. The company's decision to move its production overseas has resulted in the severing of many jobs in the local community. 公司决定将生产转移到海外,导致当地社区许多工作岗位被裁减。 五:同义词及用法 1. Cut off:指物理上的切断或分离。与severing用法相似。 - The police cut off the suspect's escape route by blocking all exits. (通过封锁所有出口切断了嫌犯的逃跑路线。) 2. Break off:指情感或关系上的突然中止。与severing用法类似。 - The negotiations between the two countries broke off due to disagreements over trade policies. (两国之间因为贸易上的分歧而谈判中断。) 3. End:指结束或终结某种状态或关系。与severing用法类似。 - The company decided to end its partnership with the struggling start-up. (公司决定结束与这家陷入困境的初创企业的合作关系。) 六:编辑总结 severing是一个常用的动词,可以指物理上的切断或分离,也可以指情感或关系上的断绝。在写作中,我们可以根据具体情况使用不同的同义词来替换severing,以避免重复使用。同时,我们也可以根据语境来理解其含义,选择合适的翻译方式来表达。



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