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[secrets德哈] 是一个英文单词,意思是“秘密”。读音为 [ˈsiːkrɪts ˈdɛhɑː]。 用法: [secrets德哈] 可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词时,它指的是某个人或团体所知道的、不愿意公开的信息或事实。作为动词时,它指的是保守秘密、不泄露信息或事实。 例句: 1. She promised to keep their secrets. 她承诺会保守他们的秘密。 2. The company's success is due to its trade secrets. 这家公司的成功归功于它的商业机密。 3. He couldn't resist the temptation to share her secrets with his friends. 他无法抵抗与朋友分享她的秘密的诱惑。 4. They were sworn to secrecy and wouldn't reveal any of the secrets they had learned. 他们发誓保密,不会透露任何他们所学到的秘密。 5. It's not good to keep too many secrets from your partner. 对伴侣保留太多秘密是不好的。 同义词及用法: 1. Confidentiality (n.) 保密性:指对信息或事实进行保密和。:The doctor-patient relationship is based on confidentiality.(医患关系基于保密性。) 2. Mystery (n.) 神秘:指令人感到困惑或难以理解的事物。:The case remains a mystery to this day.(这个案件至今仍是个谜。) 3. Hidden (adj.) 隐藏的:指被掩盖或不为人所知的。:The hidden truth finally came to light.(隐藏的最终大白于天下。) 4. Classified (adj.) 保密的:指属于机密或限制阅读的信息。:This document is classified and can only be accessed by authorized personnel.(这份文件属于机密,只能由授权人员查阅。) 5. Conceal (v.) 隐瞒:指刻意别人知道某事。:She tried to conceal her disappointment with a smile.(她试图用微笑掩饰自己的失望。) 编辑总结: [secrets德哈] 这个词既可以指某个人或团体所知道的、不愿意公开的信息,也可以指保守秘密、不泄露信息或事实的行为。在日常生活中,我们都会有一些秘密,但要注意保护好自己和他人的隐私,避免因为泄露秘密而造成伤害。



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