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一:scrape是什么意思翻译的意思 Scrape是一个动词,意为“刮擦、擦伤、刮去”。它也可以作为名词使用,表示“擦伤、刮痕”。 二:怎么读(音标) Scrape的音标为/skreɪp/。 三:用法 1. 作为动词,scrape常用于以下几种情况: - 刮擦:She scraped the mud off her shoes before entering the house.(她在进屋前把鞋子上的泥巴刮掉。) - 擦伤:He scraped his knee while playing football.(他在踢足球时擦伤了膝盖。) - 刮掉:The painter scraped off the old paint from the wall.(画家把墙上的旧油漆刮掉了。) - 挖掘:The workers are scraping the ground to build a new road.(工人们正在挖掘地面建造新路。) - 搜集:I had to scrape together some money to pay for the rent.(我不得不凑钱付房租。) 2. 作为名词,scrape通常指“擦伤、刮痕”,也可以指“困境、艰难处境”。 - The cat had a scrape on its paw.(那只猫爪子上有一个擦伤。) - He got into a scrape with the police last night.(昨晚他与发生了。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. She scraped her knee when she fell off her bike.(她从自行车上摔下来时擦伤了膝盖。) 2. The children used sticks to scrape the mud off their boots.(孩子们用棍子把靴子上的泥巴刮掉。) 3. The chef scraped the burnt bits off the bottom of the pan.(厨师把锅底的烧焦部分刮掉了。) 4. He had to scrape together enough money to buy a new car.(他不得不凑钱买一辆新车。) 5. The company is in a financial scrape and may have to lay off some employees.(公司陷入了财务困境,可能不得不裁员。) 五:同义词及用法 1. Scratch:作为动词,scratch也可以表示“刮擦、擦伤”,但更多指用指甲或尖物划破表面;作为名词,scratch指“划痕、抓痕”。 - He scratched his arm on a thorn bush while hiking in the forest. (他在森林里徒步旅行时被荆棘划伤了胳膊。) - The cat left deep scratches on the sofa.(那只猫在沙发上留下了深深的抓痕。) 2. Scuff:作为动词,scuff指“拖着脚走、磨损”;作为名词,scuff指“磨损处、擦伤处”。 - She scuffed her shoes on the pavement while walking.(她在走路时把鞋子拖在了人行道上。) - The leather jacket had scuffs on the elbows.(那件皮夹克肘部有磨损处。) 3. Abrade:作为动词,abrade指“磨损、擦伤”,强调表面被摩擦而受损;作为名词,abrade指“磨损处、擦伤处”。 - The rough surface of the rock abraded my skin.(岩石粗糙的表面把我的皮肤擦伤了。) - The abrade on my car door was caused by a shopping cart.(我车门上的擦伤是由购物车造成的。) 六:编辑总结 Scrape是一个常用的动词和名词,在日常生活中很容易遇到。它通常指刮擦、擦伤或刮掉某物的表面,也可以表示挖掘或困境。除了同义词中提到的词语,还可以用rub、chafe、wear等词来表示类似的意思。在使用时,需要根据具体情况选择合适的词语。



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