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['ʃɪməl] n. 霉菌,霉 Schimmel is a type of fungus that grows on various surfaces, such as bread, cheese, and walls. 霉菌是一种生长在各种表面上的真菌,如面包、奶酪和墙壁。 1. The bread was covered in schimmel and had to be thrown away. 这块面包上长满了霉菌,不得不扔掉。 2. The cheese had a strong smell of schimmel and was not fit for consumption. 这块奶酪有浓重的霉菌味道,不能食用。 3. The damp walls were covered in schimmel, making the room uninhabitable. 潮湿的墙壁上长满了霉菌,使得房间无法居住。 4. The scientist studied the effects of schimmel on different types of food. 科学家研究了霉菌对不同类型食物的影响。 5. Schimmel can be harmful to your health if ingested or inhaled. 如果吸入或摄入,霉菌可能对健康有害。 Synonyms: mold, mildew 同义词: 霉、黴



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