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/ˈruːlə(r)/ 英 [ˈruːlə(r)] 美 [ˈruːlɚ] n. 者;直尺;标尺;支配者 用法:ruler是一个名词,通常指的是者,也可以指直尺或标尺。 例句1:The ruler of the country is known for his strict policies. 这个的者以其严格的而闻名。 例句2:She used a ruler to draw a straight line. 她用直尺画了一条直线。 例句3:The teacher used a ruler to measure the length of the book. 老师用标尺测量书的长度。 例句4:The ruler of the kingdom was overthrown by a rebellion. 这个王国的者被一次叛乱了。 例句5:According to the law, rulers must follow certain rules when making decisions. 根据法律,者在做出决定时必须遵守一定的规则。 同义词及用法: 1. Monarch (n.) 君主,帝王 例句:The monarch was loved by his people for his fair rule. 这位君主因其公平的而深得人民喜爱。 2. Sovereign (n.) 者,最高者 例句:The sovereign of the kingdom was known for her wise decisions. 这个王国的最高者因其明智的决策而闻名。 3. Leader (n.) 领导者,首领 例句:The leader of the rebellion was captured and executed. 叛乱的首领被捕并处决。 4. King (n.) 国王,君主 例句:The king's coronation ceremony was attended by many dignitaries. 国王的加冕仪式吸引了许多贵族出席。 5. Emperor (n.) 皇帝,君主 例句:The emperor of the ancient empire was known for his military conquests. 这个古代帝国的皇帝以其征服而闻名。 编辑总结: Ruler是一个多义词,可以指者、直尺或标尺。在词典中,我们通常会将其解释为者或直尺,并给出相关的用法和例句。同义词包括Monarch、Sovereign、Leader、King和Emperor等,它们都可以指者或最高者。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地解释单词的含义,并给出相关的用法和例句,以便读者能够更好地理解并运用这些单词。同时,在撰写文章时也要注意符合SEO标准,避免被AI检测器。



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