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一:roughen什么意思的意思 Roughen是一个动词,意思是使变粗糙,使变不光滑。 二:怎么读(音标) [ˈrʌfən] 三:用法 1. 用于描述物体表面的变化,表示变得不平滑、不光滑。 2. 也可以用来形容人的皮肤或手指的表面,表示粗糙、起泡。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The constant exposure to the sun and wind has roughened the surface of the old wooden table. (持续暴露在阳光和风中导致老木桌子的表面变得粗糙。) 2. The roughened skin on his hands showed the years of hard work he had put in as a carpenter. (他手上粗糙的皮肤显示出他作为木匠多年来所付出的辛勤努力。) 3. The roughened edges of the book pages indicated that it had been well-loved and frequently read. (书页边缘的粗糙显示出这本书曾经被深爱并频繁阅读过。) 4. The waves were roughening as the storm approached, making it difficult for the small boat to stay afloat. (随着暴风雨的临近,海浪开始变得汹涌,这让小船很难保持浮力。) 5. The roughened surface of the road caused the tires of the car to lose traction, making it difficult for the driver to control the vehicle. (路面的粗糙使得汽车的轮胎失去了抓地力,这让驾驶员很难车辆。) 五:同义词及用法 1. Coarsen:表示变得粗糙、粗糙化,语气比roughen更加强烈。 2. Rough up:表示使变得粗糙不平,也可以用来形容人被殴打后皮肤出现伤痕。 3. Scuff:表示使表面变得不光滑、划伤。 4. Abrade:表示通过摩擦使表面变得粗糙。 六:编辑总结 Roughen是一个常用的动词,可以用来形容物体表面的变化,也可以形容人的皮肤或手指的表面。它的同义词有coarsen、rough up、scuff和abrade等。在使用时需要注意语境,避免与其他含义相近的词混淆。



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