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rolling in the deep原调

【发音】[ˈrəʊlɪŋ ɪn ðə diːp] 【释义】 翻滚在深渊中,形容处于困境或陷入深处。 【用法】 常用作动词短语,表示陷入困境或处于艰难的境地。 【例句】 1. The company is rolling in the deep after the stock market crash. 公司在股市崩盘后陷入了困境。 2. The country is rolling in the deep due to the ongoing economic crisis. 由于持续的经济危机,这个陷入了困境。 3. After losing his job, John found himself rolling in the deep and struggling to make ends meet. 约翰失业后,自己陷入了困境,难以维持生计。 4. The team was rolling in the deep during the championship game, but they managed to turn things around and win. 在冠赛中,这支球队曾经陷入困境,但他们最终扭转局面并获胜。 5. The singer's powerful performance of "Rolling in the Deep" left the audience emotionally moved. 歌手对《Rolling in the Deep》的精彩演绎让观众感动不已。 【同义词及用法】 1. In a difficult situation (处于困境中) e.g. After losing her job, Mary found herself in a difficult situation and had to rely on her savings. 2. In dire straits (陷入困境) e.g. The company is in dire straits and may have to declare bankruptcy. 3. In a tight spot (处于困境中) e.g. After getting lost in the woods, the hikers found themselves in a tight spot and had to call for help. 4. In a pickle (陷入困境) e.g. I accidentally locked my keys in the car and now I'm in a pickle. 5. Between a rock and a hard place (左右为难) e.g. The CEO was caught between a rock and a hard place when faced with the decision to lay off employees or risk going bankrupt. 【编辑总结】 "Rolling in the deep"一词形容处于困境或陷入深处,常用作动词短语,表示陷入困境或处于艰难的境地。同义词包括"in a difficult situation", "in dire straits", "in a tight spot", "in a pickle"和"between a rock and a hard place"。使用时要注意上下文,避免歧义。

rolling in the deep原调


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