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roll the dice什么意思

一:roll the dice什么意思的意思 roll the dice是一个英语短语,其字面意思是“掷骰子”,通常用来表示随机或冒险的行为。它也可以指代一种游戏,玩家需要通过掷骰子来决定游戏的进程。 二:怎么读(音标) roll the dice [roʊl ðə daɪs] 三:用法 1. roll the dice作为动词短语,意思是“掷骰子”,通常用来表示随机或冒险的行为。: - It's time to roll the dice and see where life takes us. (现在是时候冒险一试,看看生活会带给我们什么。) 2. roll the dice也可以作为名词短语,指代一种游戏,玩家需要通过掷骰子来决定游戏的进程。: - Let's play a game of roll the dice. (让我们来玩一局掷骰子吧。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. I'm tired of playing it safe, let's roll the dice and take a chance for once. (我厌倦了保守行事,让我们大胆尝试一次吧。) 2. The fate of our project is in your hands, so don't be afraid to roll the dice and make bold decisions. (我们的项目命运掌握在你手中,所以不要害怕冒险,做出大胆的决定。) 3. In this game, players take turns to roll the dice and move their pieces around the board. (在这个游戏中,玩家轮流掷骰子并移动他们的棋子在棋盘上。) 4. The outcome of the election will be decided by rolling the dice, as both candidates have an equal chance of winning. (结果将由掷骰子决定,因为两位候选人都有同样的胜算。) 5. Sometimes it's necessary to roll the dice and take a risk in order to achieve success. (有时为了取得成功,需要冒险一试。) 五:同义词及用法 1. take a chance:冒险尝试 - I'm willing to take a chance on this new business venture. (我愿意在这项新的商业计划上冒险一试。) 2. gamble: - He lost all his money because he couldn't resist the temptation to gamble. (他因为无法抵御的诱惑而输光了所有钱。) 3. risk:风险 - Are you willing to risk everything for a chance at success? (你愿意为了成功的机会而冒一切风险吗?) 六:编辑总结 roll the dice是一个常用的英语短语,其意思是“掷骰子”,通常用来表示随机或冒险的行为。它也可以指代一种游戏,玩家需要通过掷骰子来决定游戏的进程。在使用时,可以根据上下文来理解其含义,也可以与同义词相互替换。总的来说,roll the dice给人一种充满冒险的感觉,同时也暗示着一定的风险。

roll the dice什么意思


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