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rewards of

[riˈwɔːdz ɒv] 1.意思:回报,报酬,奖励 2.怎么读(音标):riˈwɔːdz ɒv 3.用法:名词短语,表示获得或者得到的回报、报酬或者奖励。 4.例句: 1) The rewards of hard work are always satisfying. 辛勤工作的回报总是令人满意的。 2) She received a huge financial reward for her contribution to the company. 她因为对公司的贡献而获得了巨额的财务奖励。 3) The rewards of investing in education are long-term and invaluable. 投资教育的回报是长期且无价值的。 4) He was finally able to reap the rewards of his years of training when he won the championship. 当他赢得冠时,终于能够收获多年训练的成果。 5) The rewards of being a parent are immeasurable. 做父母的回报是无法估量的。 5.同义词及用法: - Benefits:指通过某种行为或决策所带来的利益或优势。:The benefits of exercise are numerous. - Compensation:指作为补偿而给予的钱或其他东西。:He received a large compensation for his injuries. - Incentive:指激励人们行动或达成某种目标的东西。:The company offered a bonus as an incentive for employees to work harder. - Prize:指获得的奖品或奖励。:She won first prize in the competition. - Remuneration:指为工作而得到的报酬或补偿。:His remuneration package includes a salary, bonuses, and benefits. 6.编辑总结: “rewards of”是一个常用的名词短语,用来表示获得或者得到的回报、报酬或者奖励。它可以用来描述各种不同类型的回报,包括物质性和非物质性的。通过使用这个词组,可以强调付出努力所带来的回报,从而激励人们继续努力工作或者追求自己的目标。在写作中,可以通过使用同义词来避免重复使用“rewards of”,同时也可以丰富语言表达。总之,“rewards of”是一个非常有用且常见的词组,在日常生活和商务场合都能够灵活运用。

rewards of


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