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一:reputation 意思:名誉,名声,声誉 读音:/ˌrepjʊˈteɪʃn/ 用法:名词,可数或不可数 例句: 1. His reputation as a reliable businessman has attracted many investors. 他作为一个可靠的商人的名声吸引了很多投资者。 2. The company's reputation was severely damaged after the scandal. 这家公司在丑闻后声誉受到了严重损害。 3. She has a reputation for being a tough boss, but she is actually very fair. 她有一个苛刻老板的名声,但实际上她非常公平。 4. The city has a reputation for its vibrant nightlife and delicious food. 这个城市以其充满活力的夜生活和美味的食物而闻名。 5. His reputation as an expert in his field is well-deserved. 他作为该领域专家的声誉是当之无愧的。 同义词及用法: 1. Prestige: 威望,威信。指一个人或组织在社会中享有的高度尊重和认可。:The university has a great prestige in the academic world. 这所大学在学术界享有极高的威望。 2. Standing: 地位,身份。指一个人或组织在社会中所处的位置或地位。:She comes from a family of high social standing. 她出身于一个地位高的家庭。 3. Credibility: 可信度,可靠性。指一个人或组织所拥有的被认为是真实可信的特质。:The credibility of the witness was called into question during the trial. 在审判过程中,这位证人的可信度受到了质疑。 编辑总结: Reputation是一个非常重要的词汇,它着一个人或组织在社会中所拥有的名声和声誉。它可以影响着个人或组织在社会中的地位和影响力。因此,我们应该努力保持良好的名声,并且不断努力提升自己的声誉。同时,我们也应该学会尊重他人的名誉,并避免做出损害别人声誉的行为。只有通过共同努力,才能营造出一个良好的社会环境。



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