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renew [rɪˈnjuː] 用法: Renew是一个形容词,意为“焕然一新的”或“重新开始的”。它可以用来描述某物经过修复、更新或改进后变得更加吸引人、新鲜或有活力。此外,它也可以指某种感觉或状态重新出现或恢复。 例句: 1. The renewed energy and enthusiasm of the team was evident in their performance on the field. 球队焕发的活力和热情在他们的比赛表现中表露无遗。 2. After a long day at work, a hot shower can help you feel renewed and refreshed. 工作了一整天后,洗个热水澡能让你感觉焕然一新,振奋。 3. The old building has been completely renovated and now has a renewed charm. 这座老建筑已经完全翻新,现在拥有了全新的魅力。 4. She felt a renewed sense of purpose after attending the motivational seminar. 参加了激励性研讨会后,她感到重获目标的动力。 5. The couple decided to renew their vows after 25 years of marriage. 这对夫妇决定在结婚25周年时重新宣誓爱情。 同义词及用法: 1. Revitalized: 指某物变得更有生气、更有活力。:The city's revitalized downtown area is now a popular spot for tourists. 2. Rejuvenated: 指某人或某物恢复了年轻、活力和。:After a week at the spa, she felt completely rejuvenated. 3. Refreshed: 指某人在休息或放松后恢复了精力和活力。:A good night's sleep can leave you feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. 4. Restored: 指某物经过修复或恢复后恢复了原来的状态。:The old painting has been beautifully restored and looks as good as new. 5. New: 指某物是全新的,没有经历过任何修复或改变。:She bought a new dress for the party. 编辑总结: Renew是一个多功能的形容词,可以用来描述人、物和感觉的变化和恢复。它可以用于各种场景,从形容一个焕然一新的城市到表达个人内心的改变与重生。它也可以与其他形容词搭配使用,增强表达的效果,带给读者更加生动有趣的语言体验。无论是在写作还是日常生活中,都可以尝试使用Renew来丰富自己的表达方式。



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