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removal是一个英语名词,意为移除,清除,拆除。 怎么读(音标) rɪˈmuːvəl 用法 removal作为一个名词,可以用来表示移动某物或者人的行为,也可以指某物或者人被移动后的状态。它可以作为主语、宾语、定语或者表语出现在句子中。 例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The removal of the old furniture from the house was a difficult task. (把旧家具从房子里搬走是一项艰巨的任务。) 2. The removal of the tumor was successful, and the patient is now in good health. (肿瘤的切除手术很成功,患者现在身体状况良好。) 3. The removal of the stain on the carpet requires a special cleaning solution. (清除地毯上的污渍需要特殊的清洁剂。) 4. The government has announced the removal of all restrictions on travel to this country. (已宣布取消所有前往该国旅行的限制。) 5. The removal of trees in this area has caused damage to the ecosystem. (这一地区树木的移除已经对生态造成了损害。) 同义词及用法 1. elimination:消除,排除。:The elimination of waste is crucial for environmental protection.(消除垃圾对于环境保护至关重要。) 2. extraction:提取,取出。:The extraction of oil from the ground is a major industry in this country.(从地下提取石油是这个的主要产业。) 3. disposal:处理,处置。:The proper disposal of hazardous waste is essential for public health.(正确处理危险废物对公共卫生至关重要。) 4. eradication:根除,消灭。:The eradication of poverty is a long-term goal for many developing countries.(消除贫困是许多发展中的长期目标。) 5. clearance:清除,批准通过。:The removal of snow from the roads requires heavy equipment and skilled workers.(从道路上清除积雪需要重型设备和熟练工人。) 编辑总结 removal是一个常用的名词,它可以表示物体或者人被移动、清除、排除或者消除的过程和状态。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到removal这个词,它可以用来描述各种不同的场景和情况,如家具搬迁、肿瘤手术、污渍清洁等等。同时,removal也可以与其他名词组合使用,形成更多的相关词汇,如waste removal(废物处理)、hair removal(脱毛)等等。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确理解和使用removal这个词,为读者提供更加丰富和精准的词汇解释,帮助他们更好地理解英语语言。



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