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一:regard翻译的意思 regard是一个多义词,作为动词时,它的意思是“关于”,“把…看作”,“尊重”等;作为名词时,它的意思是“关系”,“关心”。 二:怎么读(音标) regard [rɪˈɡɑːd] 三:用法 1. 作为动词时: (1)关于,涉及到: 例句:I don't want to talk about anything regarding my past.(我不想谈论任何关于我过去的事情。) (2)把…看作,把…当做: 例句:She regards him as her best friend.(她把他当做自己最好的朋友。) (3)尊重,重视: 例句:He is highly regarded in the company for his hard work and dedication.(他因为勤奋和敬业在公司中备受尊敬。) 2. 作为名词时: (1)关系,: 例句:Their families have a close regard.(他们两家有着密切的。) (2)关心,注意: 例句:He showed no regard for her feelings.(他对她的感情毫不在意。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. I have high regard for your opinion on this matter. 我非常尊重你在这件事上的意见。 2. The company regards customer satisfaction as their priority. 公司把顾客满意视为首要任务。 3. In regard to your request, we will try our best to accommodate your needs. 关于你的要求,我们会尽力满足你的需求。 4. She regards him as her mentor and always seeks his advice. 她把他当做自己的导师,总是寻求他的建议。 5. The government should take into regard the opinions of the people before making any major decisions. 在做出重大决定前应该考虑民众的意见。 五:同义词及用法 1. consider:与regard的用法相似,也可以表示“考虑”,“认为”等含义。 例句:I consider him to be one of the most talented musicians in our country.(我认为他是我们最有才华的音乐家之一。) 2. view:与regard相近,也可以表示“看待”,“观察”等含义。 例句:The professor has a different view on this issue.(这位教授对这个问题有不同看法。) 3. respect:作为动词时,与regard意思相近,可以表示“尊重”,“重视”等含义。 例句:He respects his elders and always listens to their advice.(他尊敬长辈,总是听取他们的建议。) 4. concern:作为动词时,可以表示“关心”,“担忧”等含义,与regard的“关心”含义相近。 例句:We are concerned about the safety of our employees during this pandemic.(我们非常关心期间员工的安全。) 5. considerate:作为形容词时,可以表示“体贴的”,“关心的”,与regard的“关心”的含义相近。 例句:She is a very considerate friend, always there to listen and offer support.(她是一个非常体贴的朋友,总是在那里倾听并提供支持。) 六:编辑总结 regard是一个多义词,作为动词时可以表示“关于”,“把…看作”,“尊重”等;作为名词时可以表示“关系”,“关心”。在用法上,它可以用来表达对某人或某事物的看法、意见、尊重和关心。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换regard,以增加文章的表现力和多样性。



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