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redesigning cities for people

[ˌriːdɪˈzaɪnɪŋ ˈsɪtiz fɔːr ˈpiːpl] 词性:动词短语 用法:指重新设计城市的规划和建设,使其更加适合人类居住和生活。 例句: 1. With the rapid development of urbanization, more and more cities are facing the challenge of redesigning cities for people. 随着城市化的快速发展,越来越多的城市面临着重新设计城市以适应人类居住和生活的挑战。 2. The government has launched a new initiative aimed at redesigning cities for people, with a focus on improving public transportation and creating more green spaces. 推出了一项旨在重新设计城市以适应人类居住和生活的新举措,重点是改善公共交通和创建更多绿色空间。 3. Redesigning cities for people requires careful planning and consideration of the needs and preferences of different groups in society. 重新设计城市以适应人类居住和生活需要精心策划,考虑到社会不同群体的需求和偏好。 4. The concept of redesigning cities for people has gained increasing attention from urban planners and policymakers in recent years. 近年来,重新设计城市以适应人类居住和生活的概念引起了城市规划师和决策者的越来越多的关注。 5. Redesigning cities for people is not just about physical infrastructure, but also about creating a sense of community and promoting a better quality of life for residents. 重新设计城市以适应人类居住和生活不仅仅关乎物质基础设施,也包括营造社区感和促进居民更好的生活质量。 同义词及用法: 1. Urban redesign: 指对城市进行重新规划和改造,使其更加适合人类居住和生活。 2. Human-centered city planning: 指以人为本的城市规划,强调将人的需求和利益放在首位。 3. Livable city design: 指设计城市以提高居民生活质量为目标,包括改善交通、增加绿色空间等方面。 4. People-oriented urban development: 指以人为中心的城市发展,强调满足居民的需求和提升生活品质。 5. Community-focused urban planning: 指注重社区建设的城市规划,旨在营造社区感和促进社会凝聚力。 编辑总结: 随着城市化进程的加快,如何让城市更适合人类居住和生活成为一个重要议题。Redesigning cities for people旨在通过重新设计城市的规划和建设,改善居民的生活质量,营造社区感和促进社会凝聚力。这一概念得到了越来越多的关注,并在城市规划和决策中得到应用。同义词如urban redesign、human-centered city planning等也强调以人为本,强调城市发展要以满足居民需求为出发点。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要关注这一热门话题,并将其准确地传达给读者,帮助他们更好地理解和应用这一概念。

redesigning cities for people


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