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rated torque

/ˈreɪtɪd ˈtɔːk/ noun 1. rated torque is the maximum amount of torque that a motor or engine can produce under normal operating conditions. 用法:rated torque通常用于描述电机或发动机在正常工作条件下能够产生的最大扭矩。 例句: 1. The electric car's motor has a rated torque of 250 Nm, allowing it to accelerate quickly. 这辆电动汽车的电机额定扭矩为250牛顿米,使其能够快速加速。 2. The generator has a rated torque of 500 Nm, providing enough power to run multiple appliances at once. 这台发电机的额定扭矩为500牛顿米,能够提供足够的功率同时运行多个家用电器。 3. The engine's rated torque is 300 lb-ft, making it suitable for heavy-duty tasks. 这台发动机的额定扭矩为300英尺-磅,适合重型任务。 4. The manufacturer recommends using a motor with a rated torque of at least 200 Nm for this application. 制造商建议在这种应用中使用至少200牛顿米额定扭矩的电机。 5. It is important to not exceed the rated torque of the motor as it can cause damage and reduce its lifespan. 不要超过电机的额定扭矩非常重要,因为这会导致损坏并缩短其使用寿命。 同义词及用法:rated torque也可以被称为nominal torque,它们的意思相同,都是指电机或发动机在正常工作条件下能够产生的最大扭矩。 编辑总结:rated torque是一个重要的技术指标,它能够帮助我们选择合适的电机或发动机来满足特定的工作需求。了解和掌握rated torque对于使用和维护电机或发动机都非常重要。

rated torque


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