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[ˈkwɒntəmʌlt] n.量子效应,量子效应是一种物理现象,它可以解释物质的微观行为。量子效应通常用来描述原子和分子之间的相互作用。 QuantumultX is a powerful network tool that provides advanced network proxy services for iOS devices. It is designed to help users manage their network connections and protect their privacy while browsing the internet. The name "QuantumultX" is derived from the word "quantum", which refers to the smallest unit of energy, and "ult", which stands for ultimate or extreme. How to pronounce QuantumultX? It is pronounced as [ˈkwɒntəmʌlt], with the stress on the first syllable. Usage: QuantumultX is a popular choice among iOS users who want to enhance their online security and access geo-restricted content. It works by routing your internet traffic through a secure proxy server, making it difficult for third parties to track your online activities. This also allows you to access websites and services that are blocked in your region. Example Sentences: 1. I use QuantumultX to bypass censorship and access websites that are blocked in my country. 我使用QuantumultX来绕过审查并访问在我的被屏蔽的网站。 2. With QuantumultX, I can easily switch between different proxy servers and locations. 有了QuantumultX,我可以轻松地在不同的代理服务器和位置之间切换。 3. The advanced features of QuantumultX make it a must-have tool for anyone concerned about their online privacy. QuantumultX的高级功能使其成为任何关心在线隐私的人必备的工具。 4. QuantumultX is a reliable and efficient network tool that I use on a daily basis. QuantumultX是我每天使用的可靠高效的网络工具。 5. Thanks to QuantumultX, I can now access my favorite streaming services from anywhere in the world. 多亏了QuantumultX,我现在可以从世界任何地方访问我最喜欢的流媒体服务。 Synonyms: 1. Proxy tool: A software or application that enables users to browse the internet anonymously by routing their traffic through a proxy server. 代理工具:一种软件或应用程序,通过将用户的流量路由到代理服务器来使用户能够匿名浏览互联网。 2. (Virtual Private Network): A technology that creates a secure and encrypted connection over the internet, allowing users to access websites and services privately and securely. (虚拟专用网络):一种技术,在互联网上创建一个安全加密的连接,允许用户私下和安全地访问网站和服务。 3. Firewall: A security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. 防火墙:一种安全,根据预先确定的安全规则监控和进出网络流量。 Editor's Summary: QuantumultX is an essential tool for iOS users who want to enhance their online privacy and access geo-restricted content. Its advanced features make it a reliable and efficient network tool for daily use. With QuantumultX, users can easily bypass censorship, switch between different proxy servers, and access their favorite streaming services from anywhere in the world.



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