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purposely go out

[pɜːpəsli ɡoʊ aʊt] 词性:动词短语 意思:有意地外出,故意离开 用法:当“purposely go out”被用作动词短语时,通常表示某人有意地离开某个地方,或者故意不参加某项活动。 例句: 1. She purposely went out of her way to avoid seeing him at the party. 她特意绕道而行,避免在派对上见到他。 2. He purposely goes out for a walk every morning to clear his mind before starting work. 他每天早晨特意出去散步,为了在开始工作前清理思绪。 3. The children purposely went out of their way to annoy their teacher, resulting in detention. 孩子们故意找茬惹老师生气,最终导致被留校。 4. The politician was accused of purposely going out of his way to avoid answering difficult questions during the debate. 这位家被指责在辩论中故意避开回答难题。 5. She purposely goes out for lunch every day at the same time as her crush, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. 她每天都特意在同一个时间和自己喜欢的人一起吃午饭,希望能偷偷看到他。 同义词及用法: 1. Deliberately go out: 有意地离开,故意不参加 2. Intentionally leave: 故意离开 3. Willfully go out: 故意出去,蓄意离开 编辑总结: “purposely go out”是一个常用的动词短语,通常表示某人有意地离开某个地方或者故意不参加某项活动。它可以用来描述某人的行为或者动机,也可以用来指责某人故意避开或逃避某件事情。同义词包括deliberately go out、intentionally leave和willfully go out等。在使用时需要注意上下文语境,避免误解。

purposely go out


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