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prime enabled

[praɪm ɪˈneɪbld] 1. prime enabled: - Meaning: able to activate or utilize a feature or function, typically referring to technology or devices. - Pronunciation: [praɪm ɪˈneɪbld] - Usage: This phrase is commonly used in the context of technology and devices, where it refers to the ability to activate or utilize a certain feature or function. It can also be used in other contexts where something is being enabled or activated. - Example 1 (technology): The new smartphone comes with a fingerprint scanner that is prime enabled, providing users with added security. - Example 2 (devices): The smart home system is prime enabled, allowing users to control their appliances remotely through their smartphones. - Example 3 (general): The new software update has prime enabled several new features that were previously unavailable. 2. 同义词及用法: - Synonyms: activated, enabled, functioning - Usage: These words can be used interchangeably with "prime enabled" in most contexts. However, "activated" and "enabled" may have a broader meaning and not specifically refer to technology or devices. 3. 编辑总结: Prime enabled is a phrase commonly used in the context of technology and devices. It refers to the ability to activate or utilize a feature or function. This phrase can also be used in other contexts where something is being enabled or activated. Synonyms such as "activated", "enabled", and "functioning" can be used interchangeably with "prime enabled".

prime enabled


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