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读音:[prɪˈsaɪs] 用法:precise是形容词precise的副词形式,表示“精确地,准确地”。它可以修饰动词、形容词或者其他副词,用来强调某个动作或者描述的准确程度。 例句1:She spoke very precisely, using the exact words to describe her feelings. 她说话非常精确,用准确的词语来描述自己的感受。 例句2:Please follow the instructions precisely to avoid any mistakes. 请严格按照指示操作,以免出错。 例句3:The surgeon had to be very precise in his movements during the delicate operation. 在这次复杂手术中,外科医生必须要非常精确地进行操作。 例句4:He is known for his precise calculations and accurate predictions. 他以精确的计算和准确的预测而闻名。 例句5:The architect drew up a precise blueprint for the building, leaving no room for error. 建筑师为这栋建筑绘制了精确的蓝图,不留任何错误的余地。 同义词及用法:accurately (adv. 精确地),exactly (adv. 恰好地),specifically (adv. 具体地),meticulously (adv. 细致地) 编辑总结:precise作为副词形式,强调了动作或者描述的准确程度,可以用来修饰各种词性的词语,是一个非常有用的词汇。在写作中,我们可以用precisely来表达更加精准和准确的意思,从而使得文章更具说服力和可信度。



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