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/ˈpleɪmeɪt/ noun 1. The meaning of playmate: A playmate is someone who plays with another person, especially a child, often in an informal or friendly way. 2. How to pronounce "playmate": The word "playmate" is pronounced as /ˈpleɪmeɪt/. 3. Usage: Playmate can be used as a noun to refer to someone who plays with another person, especially a child, often in an informal or friendly way. 4. Examples: 1) My daughter loves having her friends over to play. They are all great playmates. 我女儿喜欢邀请她的朋友来玩。他们都是很好的玩伴。 2) When I was a child, my neighbor was my favorite playmate. 我小时候,我的邻居是我最喜欢的玩伴。 3) The children at the park quickly found new playmates and started playing together. 公园里的孩子们很快就找到了新的玩伴,开始一起玩耍。 4) My brother and I were always close growing up, we were each other's best playmates. 我和我的哥哥在成长过程中总是很亲密,我们是彼此最好的玩伴。 5) The dog and the cat have become unlikely playmates and can often be found chasing each other around the house. 这只狗和这只猫成为了不太可能的玩伴,经常可以看到它们在屋子里互相追逐。 5. Synonyms and usage: - Playfellow: This word has a similar meaning to playmate, but is less commonly used. It also emphasizes the friendly and playful nature of the relationship between the two people. Example: As a child, my cousin was my constant playfellow. 作为一个孩子,我的表兄弟是我不断的玩伴。 - Companion: This word can also be used to refer to someone who spends time with another person in a friendly or enjoyable way. However, it is a more general term and can also refer to someone who accompanies another person on a journey or trip. Example: My grandmother's dog is her constant companion. 我奶奶的狗一直是她的伴侣。 - Pal: This informal word can be used to refer to someone who is a close friend or companion. It has a slightly more casual tone than playmate and can be used for people of any age. Example: My coworkers have become some of my closest pals. 我的同事们已经成为了我最亲密的伙伴。 6. Editor's summary: A playmate is someone who plays with another person, especially a child, often in an informal or friendly way. This word can be pronounced as /ˈpleɪmeɪt/ and can be used as a noun in sentences such as "My daughter loves having her friends over to play. They are all great playmates." Synonyms for playmate include playfellow, companion, and pal. When writing about this ic, it is important to keep in mind that "playmate" may have different connotations depending on the context and audience.



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