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petroleum accounting

一:petroleum accounting的意思 petroleum accounting是指对石油和天然气等烃类资源的会计和财务管理。它涵盖了石油和天然气开采、生产、运输、销售等环节的财务活动,旨在确保公司能够有效地管理和这些资源的成本和收益。 二:怎么读(音标) /pəˈtroʊliəm əˈkaʊntɪŋ/ 三:用法 petroleum accounting通常被用作一个名词短语,可以单独使用,也可以与其他词汇搭配使用,如petroleum accounting system(石油会计)、petroleum accounting principles(石油会计原则)等。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. Our company has a specialized team for petroleum accounting to ensure accurate financial reporting. (我们公司有一支专门负责石油会计的团队,以确保准确的财务报告。) 2. The petroleum accounting process involves tracking production costs, revenue, and taxes related to oil and gas operations. (石油会计过程涉及追踪与石油和天然气业务相关的生产成本、收入和税费。) 3. The company's petroleum accounting system has been audited by a third-party firm to ensure compliance with industry standards. (该公司的石油会计已由第三方公司进行审计,以确保符合行业标准。) 4. Our team of experts provides consulting services for petroleum accounting to help companies optimize their financial management in the oil and gas industry. (我们的专家团队提供石油会计咨询服务,帮助公司优化在石油和天然气行业的财务管理。) 5. The course on petroleum accounting covers ics such as cost allocation, revenue recognition, and financial reporting for oil and gas companies. (石油会计课程涵盖成本分摊、收入确认和石油和天然气公司的财务报告等主题。) 五:同义词及用法 petroleum accounting的同义词包括oil and gas accounting(石油和天然气会计)、energy accounting(能源会计)等。它们可以互换使用,但有时也会根据具体语境做出区分。 六:编辑总结 petroleum accounting是指对石油和天然气等烃类资源进行会计和财务管理的过程,旨在确保公司能够有效地这些资源的成本和收益。它涵盖了石油和天然气开采、生产、运输、销售等环节,是石油和天然气行业中不可或缺的重要部分。

petroleum accounting


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