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意思:一种聚合物材料,具有优异的弹性和耐磨性。 怎么读(音标):/ˈpiːbæks/ 用法:Pebax是一种合成材料,通常用于制造运动鞋、滑雪板、滑雪靴等产品。它具有轻质、耐磨、耐撕裂等特性,可以提供良好的支撑和缓冲效果。 例句1:The outsole of these running shoes is made of pebax, providing excellent traction and durability. (这款跑鞋的外底采用pebax材料制作,提供出色的抓地力和耐久性。) 例句2:The ski boots with pebax shells are more lightweight and flexible, allowing for better control on the slopes. (采用pebax外壳的滑雪靴更轻便灵活,让你在斜坡上拥有更好的力。) 例句3:Pebax is also used in the production of medical devices, such as catheters and surgical instruments, due to its biocompatibility and resistance to chemicals. (由于其生物相容性和抗化学性能,Pebax也被用于医疗器械的生产,如导管和手术器械。) 例句4:The new tennis racket is made with a pebax frame, giving players a more powerful swing and better control. (这款新的网球拍采用pebax框架,使运动员能够更有力地挥拍并提高力。) 例句5:Pebax is a popular material in the sports industry, known for its high performance and durability. (Pebax是运动产业中备受青睐的材料,因其高性能和耐用性而闻名。) 同义词及用法:Polyether block amide (PEBA)是Pebax的一种替代材料,也具有类似的弹性和耐磨性。它们通常被用作制造跑鞋、滑雪板等产品的材料。 编辑总结:Pebax是一种优质的聚合物材料,在运动产业中得到广泛应用。它具有轻质、耐磨、耐撕裂等特性,可以为产品提供良好的支撑和缓冲效果。同时,PEBA也是一种常见的替代材料,具有类似的特性。在未来,Pebax和PEBA都将继续发展,并为我们带来更多优质产品。



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