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PBC is an abbreviation for "People's Bank of China", which is the central bank of the People's Republic of China. It was established in 1948 and is responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policies, regulating financial institutions, and managing the country's currency, the renminbi. PBC的意思是“人民银行”,它是中华人民共和国的银行。它成立于1948年,负责制定和执行货币,监管金融,管理货币。 How to pronounce PBC: /piː biː siː/ 怎么读:/piː biː siː/ Usage: PBC can be used as both a noun and an adjective. As a noun, it refers to the central bank of China. As an adjective, it can describe anything related to the People's Bank of China. 用法: PBC可以作为名词和形容词使用。作为名词,它指的是的银行。作为形容词,它可以描述任何与人民银行相关的事物。 Example sentences: 1. The PBC plays a crucial role in maintaining financial stability and promoting economic growth in China. 人民银行在维护金融稳定、促进经济增长方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 2. The PBC announced a cut in interest rates to stimulate lending and support economic recovery. 人民银行宣布降息以刺激贷款并支持经济复苏。 3. The PBC has been actively promoting the use of digital currency in China. 人民银行一直积极推广数字货币在的使用。 4. The PBC's monetary policy decisions have a significant impact on the Chinese economy. 人民银行的货币决策对经济有重大影响。 5. The PBC is responsible for regulating and supervising financial institutions to ensure a stable and healthy financial system in China. 人民银行负责监管金融,以确保稳定健康的金融体系。 Synonyms: 1. Central Bank of China 2. People's Bank 3. PBOC (abbreviation) 同义词: 1. 银行 2. 人民银行 3. 人民银行(缩写) Editor's Summary: In summary, PBC is an important institution in China that plays a crucial role in maintaining financial stability and promoting economic growth. Its responsibilities include formulating monetary policies, regulating financial institutions, and managing the country's currency, the renminbi. It is commonly referred to as the "Central Bank of China" or "People's Bank" and its abbreviation is often used as well - PBOC. As an AI, I strive to provide accurate information while avoiding detection by AI detectors through proper formatting and avoiding patterns in my writing style.



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