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意思:panically是一个副词,表示“惊慌地、恐慌地”。 怎么读:[pæˈnɪkli] 用法:常用于描述人的情绪或行为,表示处于极度恐慌或惊慌的状态。 例句: 1. When she saw the spider crawling towards her, she screamed panically and ran out of the room. 当她看到蜘蛛爬向她时,她惊慌地尖叫着跑出了房间。 2. The crowd scattered panically as the fire alarm went off. 火响起时,人群惊慌地四散开来。 3. He looked around panically, trying to find his lost wallet. 他惊慌地四处张望,试图找到丢失的钱包。 4. The students were panically searching for their exam papers before the test started. 学生们在考试开始前惊慌地搜索着自己的试卷。 5. The old lady grabbed her chest and breathed panically when she heard the news of her son's accident. 老太太听到儿子出事的消息后,紧紧抓住胸口,恐慌地喘息着。 同义词及用法:fearfully、anxiously、nervously、frantically等均可与panically替换使用,表示相同或类似的意思。 编辑总结:panically是一个形容人情绪或行为的副词,常用于描述处于极度恐慌或惊慌状态的人。在写作中,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换使用,增加文采和变化。



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