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[pælɪt] 用法:名词 复数形式:pallets 1. A pallet is a flat wooden or metal platform on which goods are stacked so that they can be lifted and moved using a forklift truck or other lifting device. (托盘) 例句:The warehouse workers used forklift trucks to move the heavy pallets of goods. 2. Pallets are also used as beds by poor people, especially in some parts of Asia. (床板) 例句:The family slept on a pile of blankets on the dirt floor, with wooden pallets serving as their beds. 3. A pallet is a small bed or mattress filled with straw, often used in medieval times. (草垫) 例句:The travelers laid out their pallets on the floor of the inn's common room for the night. 4. In art, a pallet is a flat board on which an artist mixes and arranges colors while painting. (调色板) 例句:The painter carefully selected his colors and arranged them on his pallet before starting his masterpiece. 5. In computing, a pallet is a set of colors available for use in creating images or graphics. (调色板) 例句:The graphic designer used a specific color pallet to create the company's logo. 同义词及用法: 1. Skid: Similar to a pallet, but usually made of metal and used for heavier loads. 2. Tray: A flat platform used to hold or carry items. 3. Platform: A raised level surface for people or objects to stand on. 4. Board: A long flat piece of wood, often used as flooring or as part of furniture. 5. Plank: A long narrow piece of wood, often used in construction. 编辑总结: Pallet是一个常见的英语单词,它有多种用法,可以指代托盘、床板、草垫、调色板等。在商业领域,pallet通常指代托盘,用于堆放货物并通过叉车等设备进行搬运。在艺术和计算机领域,pallet则指代调色板,用于混合和选择颜色。除了pallet外,还有一些类似的词汇如skid、tray、platform等也具有相似的意思。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地理解单词的含义,并根据不同语境进行准确的翻译。同时也需要注意同义词的使用,以便更加丰富地表达单词的意思。



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