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一:oversee是什么意思的意思: oversee是一个动词,意为“监督,管理,监管”。它来自于古英语的“ofersēon”,由“over”和“seēon”两个词组成,分别表示“超过,在…之上”和“看,注意”。 二:怎么读(音标): /ˌoʊvərˈsiː/ 三:用法: 1. oversee sth./sb.:监督某事物/某人。:The manager oversees the daily operations of the company.(经理负责监督公司的日常运营) 2. oversee + that从句:监督确保某事情发生。:He was appointed to oversee that all the safety regulations were followed.(他被任命负责确保所有的安全规定都得到遵守) 3. oversee + n./pronoun + v.-ing:监督某人做某事。:She was asked to oversee the workers cleaning up the mess.(她被要求监督工人们清理这一混乱) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. The project manager will oversee the construction of the new building.(项目经理将负责监督新建筑的施工) 2. The government has appointed a committee to oversee the implementation of new policies.(已任命一个来监督新的实施) 3. The parents hired a nanny to oversee their children while they were at work.(父母雇了一个保姆来监督他们在工作时的孩子) 4. The supervisor must oversee the quality of the products before they are shipped out.(主管必须在产品出货前监督产品的质量) 5. She was given the responsibility to oversee the entire project from start to finish.(她被赋予从开始到结束监督整个项目的责任) 五:同义词及用法: 1. supervise:意为“管理,监督”,与oversee在用法上基本相同,但supervise更强调指导和指挥。 2. manage:意为“管理,经营”,与oversee相比,manage更侧重于组织和。 3. control:意为“,管理”,与oversee相比,control更强调对局势、过程或人的。 4. direct:意为“指导,管理”,与oversee相比,direct更侧重于领导和指挥。 5. superintend:意为“监督,管理”,与oversee相比,superintend更正式和。 六:编辑总结: oversee是一个常用的动词,在日常生活和商务场景中都有广泛应用。它的基本含义是“监督、管理、监管”,可以用来描述人们对各种事物或人员的监督和掌控。除了常见的用法外,还可以与其他词汇搭配使用,如oversee the implementation of policies(监督的实施)、oversee the quality of products(监督产品质量)等。同义词包括supervise、manage、control、direct和superintend,它们在意思上有些许差异,但都可以用来代替oversee。



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