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othmar ammann

美国工程师,主要负责设计建造纽约市的大桥和隧道。 怎么读(音标):[ˈɔθmɑr ˈɑmən] 用法:名字 例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. Othmar Ammann was a Swiss-American structural engineer who designed and built many of the bridges and tunnels in New York City. 奥斯马·阿曼(Othmar Ammann)是一位瑞士裔美国结构工程师,他设计并建造了纽约市许多桥梁和隧道。 2. As the chief engineer of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Othmar Ammann oversaw the construction of some of the most iconic bridges in the world, including the George Washington Bridge and the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge. 作为纽约和新泽西港务局的首席工程师,奥斯马·阿曼监督了世界上一些最具标志性的桥梁的建设,包括乔治华盛顿大桥和维拉扎诺-窄海峡大桥。 3. Othmar Ammann's innovative designs and engineering techniques revolutionized bridge building and set new standards for safety and efficiency. 奥斯马·阿曼的创新设计和工程技术彻底改变了桥梁建设,并为安全性和效率设定了新的标准。 4. The legacy of Othmar Ammann can still be seen in the many bridges and tunnels he designed, which continue to serve as vital transportation links in New York City. 奥斯马·阿曼的遗产仍然可以在他设计的许多桥梁和隧道中看到,这些桥梁和隧道继续为纽约市提供重要的交通连接。 5. Othmar Ammann's contributions to the field of engineering have earned him a place in the American Society of Civil Engineers' list of the "Famous Five" engineers who have made significant impacts on society. 奥斯马·阿曼对工程领域的贡献使他获得了美国土木工程师学会“著名五人”工程师,这些工程师对社会产生了重大影响。 同义词及用法: synonyms: engineer, architect, designer 同义词:工程师,建筑师,设计师 用法:指从事设计和建造工作的专业人士。 编辑总结: Othmar Ammann是一位著名的美国工程师,他在纽约市留下了许多标志性的桥梁和隧道。他的创新设计和工程技术为桥梁建设树立了新标准,并为社会发展做出了重大贡献。作为词典编辑,我们应该记录和传承这样的历史人物,让更多的人了解他的故事和贡献。

othmar ammann


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