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operations department

[ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənz dɪˈpɑːtmənt] noun 1. The operations department is a division of a company that is responsible for overseeing and managing the day-to-day operations of the business. 这个词汇的意思是指公司的一个部门,负责监督和管理企业的日常运营。 例句: 1. The operations department is responsible for ensuring that all orders are processed and shipped in a timely manner. 这个部门负责确保所有订单都能及时处理和发货。 2. The operations department works closely with other departments such as sales and logistics to ensure smooth operation of the business. 这个部门与销售和物流等其他部门密切合作,以确保业务的顺利运作。 3. Sarah was promoted to manager of the operations department after showing exceptional leadership skills. 萨拉因表现出色的领导能力而被提升为运营部门经理。 4. The operations department plays a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and profitability of the company. 运营部门在维持公司的效率和盈利能力方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 5. The operations department is responsible for implementing new strategies to improve the overall performance of the company. 这个部门负责实施新策略,以提高公司的整体表现。 同义词及用法: - s team: 与operations department含义相同,指公司内负责日常运营工作的团队。 - s division: 与operations department含义相同,指公司内负责日常运营工作的部门。 - s management: 与operations department含义相同,指负责管理和监督公司日常运营的职能部门。 编辑总结: s department是一个常见的商业术语,它指的是负责监督和管理企业日常运营的部门。这个词汇可以用来描述任何类型的公司,从小型企业到大型跨国公司都有可能设立operations department。这个部门通常与其他部门紧密合作,以确保公司高效运转,并且在提高业务绩效方面发挥着重要作用。

operations department


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