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/'naʊ'fɪtnəs/ n.健身现状 Nowfitness refers to the current state of physical fitness. 现在的体能状况指的是当前的身体健康状况。 1. Nowfitness is an important aspect of overall health and well-being. 现在的体能状况是整体健康和幸福的重要方面。 2. It is essential to maintain a good level of nowfitness in order to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. 保持良好的体能水平对于过上健康和积极的生活方式至关重要。 3. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are key factors in improving nowfitness. 定期锻炼和均衡饮食是提高体能状况的关键因素。 4. My doctor told me that my nowfitness was below average and I needed to make some changes in my lifestyle. 我的医生告诉我,我的体能水平低于平均水平,我需要改变一些生活习惯。 5. In order to improve my nowfitness, I have started going to the gym three times a week and eating a healthier diet. 为了提高我的体能状况,我每周去健身房三次,并且开始吃更健康的饮食。 Synonyms: Physical fitness, health, wellness, well-being 用法: Nowfitness可以作为名词使用,也可以作为形容词使用。作为名词时,表示当前的身体健康状态;作为形容词时,表示与当前身体健康状态相关的。 : - My nowfitness is not as good as it used to be. 我的体能状况不如以前那么好。 - He is very conscious about his nowfitness and works out every day. 他非常关注自己的体能状况,每天都锻炼。 编辑总结: Nowfitness是一个由now和fitness两个单词组合而成的新词,它指的是当前的身体健康状态。在现代社会,人们越来越重视健康和健身,因此nowfitness也成为了一个重要的概念。通过定期锻炼和均衡饮食,可以提高现在的体能状况,从而过上更健康和积极的生活方式。作为一个名词,nowfitness可以用来描述个人的身体状况;作为形容词,则可以用来描述与当前身体健康状态相关的事物。同义词包括physical fitness、health、wellness和well-being等。



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